We are no longer accepting proposals for the APLA 2024 virtual conference. Thank you for your interest, and please be in touch next year!

The theme of this year’s conference is: Looking Forward: Library Futures
This year’s theme encourages information professionals to consider the evolving role of libraries in the 21st century. As libraries adapt to societal, technological, and educational changes, the APLA conference aims to explore innovative strategies, emerging trends, and transformative ideas that will shape the future of libraries.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to: technological innovations in libraries; inclusive and accessible library spaces; digital literacy and information fluency; community engagement and outreach; sustainable practices in libraries; AI and emerging technologies in library services; preservation of cultural heritage in the digital age; and collaborative initiatives and partnerships.
We are seeking presentations in the following categories:
- Oral presentations, (45 mins with additional 10 mins for questions);
- Mini Oral Presentation (18 mins with additional 10 mins for questions);
- Interactive panel discussions (60 minutes);
- Lightning talks (5-10 minutes);
Proposals that do not fit the above time and structure will be considered by the committee but are dependent on schedule, logistics and other proposals. We also encourage students to join lightning talks or oral presentations to discuss previous or on-going research.
Please submit your proposals via email to conference@apla.ca by April 15, 2024 at midnight via our webform here.
Presenters will be notified by the end of April. Presenters are responsible for their own registration.
We request that presenters make their presentations available on the conference website.
We would love to hear perspectives from students, public libraries, academic libraries, health libraries, special libraries, archives, non-profit organizations, student support departments/organizations, community groups and more!
Questions? Email conference@apla.ca for more information.